Marching Band Rehearsal Guidelines
Be on time! Try to arrive on campus at least 30 minutes before practice actually begins unless otherwise instructed by a Director. A Band Director will arrive on campus 30 minutes before the student report time. Students must avoid arriving more than 30 minutes early, and parents must understand that their child will not be supervised should they arrive more than 30 minutes before the report time.
Unless you are counting, all rehearsals silent (except for leadership during visual rehearsals).
Listen attentively and respond with enthusiasm.
Respect everyone on the marching field! You cannot earn respect until you show respect.
Pay attention to all instructions given. The Band does not have time to do multiple repetitions due to missing instructions.
Move to your sets quickly and quietly. Run back to sets. Refrain from screaming and making noises. The run should not be a sprint but must not be walking.
Stand with feet together when checking forms. Instruments should be up during form check when the preceding move had instruments up.
Water Breaks
Water breaks are meant for your health and comfort. DRINK WATER!!! Instruments will be placed on the ground, uniformly, in the location that the student's feet would be on the field. When the Band is moving to the sidelines to take water, special care must be taken to not damage any instrument. Students may take their instruments with them.
Each member is required to have their own water jug of at least ½-gallon size.
Water jugs are to be filled with water before rehearsal begins. There is water provided for refilling water jugs.
To have and maintain a high-quality Marching Band, attendance from all members is essential. It is important to note that the acceptable number of absences from rehearsals and performances is zero. Students are expected to maintain good attendance at rehearsals. Note that students who do not attend summer Band camp may not be admitted to the Marching Band Program.
Unexcused Absence
Students who have an unexcused absence will be subject to one of the following consequences:
Requirement to make up time and work missed
Loss of membership in the competitive Marching Band
Loss of marching privilege for one game
Loss of attendance privilege at one game
Loss of marching spot for contest/festival
Removal from the Marching Band and loss of physical education credit
These consequences will be administered at the discretion of the Director, but the general guideline of attendance will mirror the guideline for credit granted in an academic course as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Attendance at Performances
Acceptable excuses for missing a performance are personal illness, death in the family, and serious illness within the immediate family. Performances missed for reasons other than those listed above may result in a consequence. Consequences will include:
Loss of performance privilege at the game following the unexcused absence
Loss of attendance privilege at the game following the unexcused absence
Loss of marching spot for contest/festival
For students who miss more than one game for an unexcused reason, loss of Marching Band membership and loss of PE credit may result.​​
Rehearsal Attire
Wearing the proper clothing for summer or after-school Marching Band rehearsals is extremely important because student safety is our first priority.
Appropriate Footwear
Comfortable athletic socks and running shoes are a must. Students may not wear boots, sandals, or flat shoes such as skateboard shoes or Chuck Taylors.
Students must always wear shoes both inside and outside. This is not negotiable. Students must protect their feet.
Appropriate Shorts
Any type of workout or gym shorts are acceptable.
No long pants of any type! This is not negotiable.
Shorts must be of appropriate length for all members.
White Non-Print Shirt
Wearing a light-colored shirt is highly recommended to prevent heat absorption.
For convenience, it is recommended to purchase a pack of white undershirts specifically designated as rehearsal shirts.
White muscle shirts and tank tops are acceptable.
All shirts must be of an appropriate length and cut.
Open-sleeved shirts are unacceptable.
Men may not show their torso.
Ladies may not have sports bras visible.
Other Necessities
Protective hat or cap—should not be distracting from the rehearsal
Hydro packs
Wearing a hydro pack is acceptable and highly encouraged.
Students without hydro packs must wait for water breaks, whereas students with hydro packs have the advantage of being able to drink water without having to wait.