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Jazz Band

The Kingwood Park Jazz Band program is an extracurricular activity held from January through May after regular school hours.


The ensemble is comprised of students who are part of one of the other ensemble bands, with the exception of guitar, bass, and piano players since their instruments are not featured in the concert band setting.


To become a member of the Jazz Band, students need to audition. The ensemble primarily consists of traditional jazz instruments, such as saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, piano, bass, and drum set.


The Jazz Band performs at several area events and concerts each year.

Student Information

The Jazz Band is a thrilling ensemble that embraces challenging music, motivating young musicians to learn, grow, and showcase their talents. Auditions are held in the spring of the prior school year for students in grades 9-12. Freshmen are required to participate in Marching Band during their 9th-grade year.

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