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Kingwood Park Band Boosters

Together, we elevate the harmony, rhythm, and spirit of our talented musicians. From instrument enthusiasts to devoted parents, we're a community united by our passion for nurturing musical excellence. Come discover how we make a resounding difference in the world of the Kingwood Park Panther Band!

Our Mission

The primary mission of the Kingwood Park High School Band Boosters (KPBB) is to enhance and support the growth, development, and success of the Band Program. We strive to create a positive and inclusive environment that fosters musical excellence, teamwork, leadership, and personal growth among our students.


To fulfill our mission, the KPBB organize and support a wide range of activities and programs throughout the year. These include but are not limited to:

  • Fundraising events

  • Volunteer coordination

  • Scholarships and awards

  • Student travel and enrichment opportunities

  • Community outreach and engagement


Engaging in these activities and programs helps ensure that our organization remains committed to its purpose of supporting and enhancing the Band Program. We strive to foster a sense of unity, pride, and excellence among our students, parents, faculty, and the community at large.

Booster Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

The Panther Band Program cannot be successful without parental involvement and help. KPBB meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Band Hall. The following parent volunteers are on the KPBB Board.

Board of Directors

Patricia Ruple, President

Chief executive officer of the KPBB, presides at all meetings of the KPBB members and of the board of directors, and works closely with the Band Directors.

1st Vice President-KPHS

Representative parent from Kingwood Park High School, assists the President, and, in the absence of the President, performs the duties of the President, chairs the Scholarship Committee, and oversees the collection of membership fees.

Maggie McKithern
2nd Vice President-KMS

Representative parent of Kingwood Middle School, assists the KMS Director and Assistant Director in coordinating KMS band functions and volunteer opportunities, brings the needs of the KMS band to the attention of the KPBB, establishes effective communication channels between the KMS and KPark band programs, and attends meetings at both the schools to stay informed about ongoing activities and goals.

Meredith Rosario

Keeps an accurate record of the minutes of all meetings in a book and submits these minutes for approval at each successive meeting, corrects original minutes as needed, submits copies of the minutes to the band directors, conducts all general correspondence of the KPBB, and maintains a complete set of current Bylaws.

Jen Osterholt & Kelly Nieto

Receives all money from the KPBB and deposits the same in the name of the KPBB, maintains accounting and financial records, presents a statement of account at each meeting and at other times as requested by the board of directors, and submits the books for audit at the end of the membership year to an Audit Committee. The Treasurer is also responsible for obtaining information required for bonding and/or liability insurance for the officers and shall prepare a budget for the year to be reviewed and revised as needed by a Budget Committee appointed by the President.

Non-Director Positions

Tina Canavan

The Parliamentarian is a non-voting, appointed position to the board of directors. The Parliamentarian shall:

  • Be the ultimate authority, determining the rules of procedure at the board meetings and at the general meetings

  • Use Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide and reference

  • Mediate disputes between members of the board and/or the members and/or the professional staff

Standing Committee Coordinators

Emily Haynes & Amanda Villasana

Researches and implements all board-approved fundraising activities and seeks and secures grants and donations that will benefit the KPark/KMS Band Programs. They are the contact for all non-concession fundraising events.

Rhonda Bollman

Ensures that all volunteers complete and file the Humble ISD background check for the current school year, maintains a current list of parent volunteers and tracks volunteer hours, works with other committees to determine their volunteer requirements, maintains an online list of volunteer activities and requirements, contacts members by email, phone, and other means to ensure volunteer openings are filled, determines suitable volunteers for particular tasks, ensures all members are provided opportunities to meet volunteering commitments, responds to questions regarding areas of volunteering and job descriptions, promotes volunteer involvement, recognition, and appreciation, encourages student volunteering, and verifies completed volunteer hours for school and external volunteer requirements.

Emily Haynes
Social Media

Keeps the public informed by means of social media outlets concerning the activities and achievements of the KPark Band and KPBB.

Lara Durand

Helps create media content for the Band Directors.

Lara Durand
Communication & Website

Works with the Band Directors and other board members to publish a monthly newsletter that keeps the band family up to date about important dates, events, and other information relating to the band. They will also maintain a Band Booster website with current information.

Props Crew

Works with the Band Staff to determine prop designs and requirements for the Marching Band and Color Guard, coordinates materials and volunteers to assist with construction, assembly, maintenance, and repairs of the props, works with logistics and the field crew to streamline transportation, moving, and placement of the props for football games, contests, and trips and performances.

Tina Phan

Liaisons with the community and corporations to secure donations and works with the Band students to coordinate a time to have them go into the community to secure donations.

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